Thursday, March 24, 2011


Nice brain-pinging tonight, folks. Quicker and more insightful responses, plus a little back-and-forth banter, to boot.  Excellent!

You’re done when you’ve responded to the Last Prompt.

I will send email ASAP with research topic and assignments for next class meeting, which will be in FACE-to-FACE at WBU, on March 31. 

Night all.

Last Prompt

Here’s an easy one to end the night on:
Review your reading of Chapter 6 in Educational Psychology. 

Share with us the sentence from that chapter that most resonated with you (include the page number, please).

Prompt #6

Examine the presentations of:
Attribution Theory (Holwerda)
Social Intelligence (Najjar)
Habits of Mind (Lange)  (Bruce’s last slide is #60).

Respond to these prompts:
a)      Tell us how you have seen a strong educator in your experience leverage one of these theories to affect student learning?
b)      Which of these do you see being most applicable in BOTH your professional and personal lives?

Prompt #5

Read through the link on Learner Centered Schools below.

Which of the Learner-Centered Proficiencies do you think you need the most improvement in, and why?

Prompt #4

Examine the presentations of:
Achievement Motivation Theory (Prieto)
Theory U (Bayer)
Two-Factor Theory - Herzberg’s (Reeder)

Respond to these prompts:
a)      Pick one of these topics and tell how you have seen it at play somewhere along the line in your formal schooling experience?
b)      Tell us how you might use one of these theories in either your professional or personal life.

Prompt #3

Take a few minutes to review your reading of Chapter 5 in Educational Psychology. 

Develop ONE question (Yes/No questions are forbidden!) relevant to that chapter and direct it to the fellow classmate who follows your name in the listing below. 

Garcia > Ladd > Fillingim > Prieto > Bayer > Guthrie > Najjar > Reeder > Lange > Holwerda > Garcia. 

Each of you respond to the question that was directed to you.

Prompt #2

Examine the presentations of:
Noetic Science (Garcia)
Theory X and Theory Y – McGregor (Ladd)
Maslow’s work (Fillingrim)

Respond to these prompts:
a)      Which of these presentations represents the newest learning for you?
b)      Which one contains information that will be most useful to you in the next couple of years, and tell us why you believe so.

Prompt #1

View the video at this link:

What part of Sir Robinson’s discussion made the biggest impact on you? Why do you think so?


Good evening, fellow learners. Let’s start with a spiritual focus, as usual.

Consider your spiritual/religious life. 

Share with us one of the most important foundational precepts or tenets of your belief.