Thursday, March 24, 2011

Prompt #2

Examine the presentations of:
Noetic Science (Garcia)
Theory X and Theory Y – McGregor (Ladd)
Maslow’s work (Fillingrim)

Respond to these prompts:
a)      Which of these presentations represents the newest learning for you?
b)      Which one contains information that will be most useful to you in the next couple of years, and tell us why you believe so.


  1. Noetic Science was definitely the newest learning for me. I was also intrigued by it. I can not imagine the thoughts going through Edgar Mitchell's mind when he had that epiphany on the Apollo 14. He should have been so self-absorbed after walking on the moon, but he took all of society to consideration. We make so much chaos out of out infinitely small part of this universe when there are so many other vast things to worry and care man...that Edgar Mitchell. Maybe he should lead our reform to education?

    The most useful information that will help me as a teacher in the coming years was the X-Y theory. I believe both theories are correct. Some students are motivated and want to do well, and some feel like they are forced to learn. This is where we need to promote that diverse learning in our children. Even if children feel forced, they should find some interest in something.

  2. a) Noetic Science presented the newest learning for me. Being aware of our inner self and finding balance in our lives is crucial for survival. Recognizing students who might be struggling with their own inner and outer balance is something we need to be ready for. b) Maslow's work is useful to me today in the classroom and I certainly believe it will be just as important in the next couple of years. Motivation is key in the classroom.

  3. a)Noetic Science is the newest information for me. I have never heard of this, but it seems similar in ways to Scientology.

    b)The Theory X & Theory Y seems like it will be most useful to me in the next couple years. I think, as David indicated, that it pretty well covers both ends of the spectrum of performance and motivation. Finding a happy medium in a class of both types of students will be key.

  4. I think Laura's study of Maslow's work was the best learning for me. It reminded me that we are all human, and if basic needs aren't being met, then nothing new cann be added. Such a basic thing, however, so importent. We sometimes assume that our students are getting the "basics" at home and therefor we can move on with our lessons. What if they are not? Be aware of signs that kids need help in all areas. Maybe my definition of polite is not their's. We as educators need to be broad minded when it comes to the cultures these kids come from.

  5. Noetic Science is the newest learning for me. I have studied zen meditation as a means to relax and calm my mind, the theories presented here are similar but applied differently. I think Ana brings up some very good points about maintaining our body & mind as teachers- stress is real and can turn best intentions to a bad situation quickly.

    While I am still working in information technology, Theory X & Y will be useful to me. My job requires constant teaching, learning, and understanding individual motivations. In that way, my current job isn’t that different in some ways from classroom management. I tend to agree with the thought that many Y’s could be in information related jobs as the skills that are required often are unique and interesting to the individual who possesses them.

  6. I really enjoyed being exposed to Noetic Science as my newest learning. I watch a lot of scientific and spiritual documentaries and it always strikes me how many of the hard line science people refute the influence of spirituality and argue that everything is based on neurons and chemicals and to believe anything else is ridiculous. While watching the video I couldn’t help but compare it to prayer. Sending love and affection without any physical interaction of any kind on any level still triggered a response.

  7. I think Maslow's theories will best serve me in the class. How can a kid learn if they dont feel safe? How can a kid love and show compasion if they have never recieved it?

  8. Noetic Science is the newest learning for me. I just recently started having discussions on this idea, "moving information energetically", Or moving energy with our intentions to have a physiological effect. This idea is new to me, and I believe that this information could change my life over the next few years. I think prayer is an example of using this science. Like prayer for healing and a physiological activity occurring such a cancer disappearing.

  9. a) The newest learning for me would be the reading of Ana's portion on Noetic Sciences. I am not sure that learning would be the correct word for it, I am not sure I grasp the concept. It seems too abstract and vague (not Ana's slides, but the concept). It sounds like possibly a holisic method of learning?

    b)I have learned previously about the X - Y Theory. I have actually used it and also (without realizing) used Maslow's principles too. David felt that a situation may take either X, Y, or both. I have to say based on my training, education and experience I believe this to be true as well. Laura related that a person will not pursue growth needs until all deficiency needs have been met. When any future deficiency arises, the person will work to remove it. I think this is taught intuitively sometimes by good instructors and is utilized by good managers.

  10. Nick, I was also thinking that prayer was an example of noetic science

  11. Noetic Science will have to be the newest learning for me. I've never heard of it in the other classes I've had. This is the first time I've heard about this theory. I've heard about Maslow and McGregor Theory X and Y. I'd like to learn more about it.

    I think Maslow's theory is the one that I will probably use in the next couple of years since it relates to the educational setting. I think students will start at the bottom of the pyramid and progress up as they fulfill each level. It addresses the basic needs of individuals as well as the higher levels of self/fullfilment.

  12. Yeah, that seemed like a natural correlation to me.

  13. Bruce does prayer as an example of noectic science resonate with you at all?

  14. I like BOTH of Nick's responses. Noetic theory is something that really intrigues me, I just have to understand it more. It's hard to argue a counterpoint to Maslow. I really feel that environment at school and at home have a huge impact. Some children only find these needs met when they are in school!

  15. Ellah, the Noetic theory reminds me of the book Angels and Demons by Brown. In that the young priest talks about how for millenia clergy and science have taken two tracts and that if one really looks at them both they are two sideds of the same coin, or paths that intersect. I see it in prayer with science in medicine. You have the clinical side to healing and the spiritual side in praying, individually or group prayer, for healing of the ailment.
