Thursday, March 24, 2011


Good evening, fellow learners. Let’s start with a spiritual focus, as usual.

Consider your spiritual/religious life. 

Share with us one of the most important foundational precepts or tenets of your belief.


  1. With God all things are possible.

  2. One of the most important foundations of my faith is being continually amazed by grace. When I take inventory of what has been sacrificed for me I am humbled and try to be graceful towards others. When I fail at that it just makes me realize all the more how fortunate I am.

  3. Everyone is a child of God just as Christ is. So we are all one big family and can love everyone as our family.

  4. Just a reminder Dr. Coulter to send us the pdf of presentations, thanks

  5. "Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."
    Ephesians 4:32

  6. GOD is in control! We worry, we fret over things, we wonder what is next. Why! GOD's got it and He loves us! I am as guilty as the next person of doing these things. I am at peace most when I let myself realize that GOD knows me better than I know myself. I am His child and my Father is AWESOME!!!

  7. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." I believe it is from Proverbs. I wrote it down quite some time ago.

  8. @ Ellah. Thought I did, but will try you again.

  9. I would agree with Mark and say Grace. God's grace is sufficient to save the worst of sinners. And it is by grace we are saved, through faith, not of ourselves, so that no on should boast (loose paraphrase from memory).

  10. The foundation of my religion stems from God's amazing power to prevail through the good and bad in everyone's life. He is right there, we just have to be able to accept Him and have faith.

  11. David, I almost mentioned God's sovereignty. I'm with you on that!

  12. My computer locked up. I still don't have the pdf either.
