Thursday, March 24, 2011

Last Prompt

Here’s an easy one to end the night on:
Review your reading of Chapter 6 in Educational Psychology. 

Share with us the sentence from that chapter that most resonated with you (include the page number, please).


  1. When people are learning a new behavior, they will learn it faster if they are reinforced for every correct response. pg. 204.

  2. Alfie Kohn (1993) argues, “Applied behaviorism, which amounts to saying, ‘do this and you’ll get that’, is essentially a technique for controlling people. (page 225)

  3. No matter how successful you are at accentuating the positive, there are times when you must cope with undesirable behavior, either because other methods fail or because the behavior itself is dangerous and calls for direct action.

  4. Punishment in and of itself does not lead to any positive behavior. (pg 213)

  5. I am going to take a subheading for my sentence: "Learning Is Not Always What It Seems" (pg 199). This wraps up the whole chapter, if not the whole idea of education. All the concepts in the chapter deal with identifying and adapting to different styles of learning and what works for each. It leads into the idea on pg 214 that suggests putting it all together and changing it up to what works for different students at different times. I know it's cliche by now, but this also leads into the theme of divergent thinking that we suggested we need to strive for.

  6. Negative reinforcement is often confused with punishment.(page 203)

  7. "Different areas of research and theory all converge on one important idea, that responsibility and the ability to learn rest within the student." (pg. 222)

  8. "If it is immoral to let students know they have answer questions correctly, to pat students on the back for a good effort, to show joy at a student's understanding of a concept, or to recognize the achievement of a goal by providing a gold star or a certificate-if this is immoral, then count me a sinner." (page 225)

  9. p.225 B.F.Skinner "People act on the world, and change it, and are changed in turn by the consequences of their actions."

  10. The "negative" in negative reinforcement does not imply that the behavior being reinforced is necessarily negative or bad. (203)
