Thursday, March 24, 2011

Prompt #5

Read through the link on Learner Centered Schools below.

Which of the Learner-Centered Proficiencies do you think you need the most improvement in, and why?


  1. Equity in Excellence for all Learners -
    Although as a teacher/instructor I think am fairly respectful and sensitive to students, but I feel like I need to work to also encourage the use of all their skills and talents. Without doing this, they can not reach their true potential. As the instructor of these students I feel that I could work on more attention to learning styles and interests. This can only enhance the learning process, for both educator and learner...

  2. I think “Equity in Excellence for all Learners” could use improvement. In my opinion, this statement is too general:

    “The teacher models and encourages appreciation for students’ cultural heritage, unique endowments, learning styles, interests, and needs. The teacher also designs learning experiences that show consideration for these student characteristics.”

    That’s a great statement, but how does a teacher do this? If I don’t have much exposure to other cultures, how do I promote them? These are guidelines but I think several relevant examples would go a long way.

  3. As a new teacher I feel that in need to improve my learner-centered instruction. I'm still figuring out which lessons work which ones don’t and why. Also I'm still searching for the best way to assess and in general just how to teach. You always have these ideas and images in your mind how a lesson will work and how it will be perceived but often that's not the actual outcome. Even many years down the road I know I'll need to improve in this area but right now I know my biggest disadvantage is lack of experience.

  4. I have made a planned effort this year to try and improve the proficiency of Equity in Excellence for all Learners in my classroom. By becoming more knowledgeable of the cultural heritage, learning styles and interests of my dominantly hispanic student classroom I can provide a connection for a better learning environment. I am a visual learner and tend to favor this type of learning style in my classroom. Experimenting with other learning styles in an effort to find the ones that work is something I really have to work at, it is just too easy sometimes to fall back on what I know and understand best.

  5. I would say Equity in Excellence for all Learners. I feel this would be my weakest area as most of my experience in school or teaching has been fairly homogeneous in regards to the cultures represented. I would love to be culturally relevant to all of my students, but it will take more work and intentional behaviors than some of the other proficiencies. I hear about all the great things teachers want to do, but in the end, they just can't do it all. Their high hopes of meeting all the needs of each student turn into feeble attempts that only result in the status quo.

  6. I do not think that teachers have problems with their content and preparing to give instruction. I think the problem lies with this principle, "While acting as an advocate for all students and the school, the teacher
    demonstrates effective professional and interpersonal communication skills." Sometimes I think teachers forget they are there for all the students. Teachers need to adapt their teaching to the different individual learning styles of their students. Teachers also have a hard time collaborating with other teachers within the school. Maybe this could lead to a more diverse learning that we have been leaning towards all night. There are teachers that just do their job and do not involve themselves with learning about all of their students and what their needs are.

  7. Equity in excellence for all learners: I struggle sometimes in realizing that kids learn in so many different ways. These ways can depend on their culture, homelife-so many variables. How do we find a common ground or is there one? I think one of the biggest challenges for us as teachers is to find the "learnng zone" for each of our students.

  8. Nick - I think this never stops. Whith every new glass and group of learners the situation becomes dynamic. I have had to tailor, trim, and change lessons from day to day based on the learners that day. So, it is continuously fluid to some degree. You can teach the same lesson play three different ways on the same day to three different groups of students.

  9. I would probably need the most improvement on the Learner-Centered Communication. I need to be able to communicate better especially with writting. When I write I'm not expressive enough and I realize that I have to work on this problem. I can communicate orally without any trouble.

  10. David..., these kids are all over the place. There are so many different types of groups now that I do not think were accepted in earlier times. Kids used to hide identities to fit in; now, they show their identities without a care in the world. This makes it harder than ever to teach every student.

  11. 'Learner Centered Communication', I believe I need the most improvement, because I think I can learn to communicate in miraculous ways that could be very effective with everyone. Additionally, for me this is a foundational skill to all speaking engagements.

  12. Equity in Excellence for all Learners:

    The statement “The teacher responds appropriately to diverse groups of learners” has been always my concern when I design a lesson plan. I really do not know if the lesson plans I have prepared include different activities to enhance cognitive learning of all groups that I will possibly have in my class. I fell I have to dedicate more time in searching for better alternative strategies to teach different groups of students. I am afraid I will design a lesson plan that will reach only a certain group of students every time.

  13. Brant - Interesting comment to David. I think it goes along the line of "strive/seek for perfection, knowing you can never achieve it" In perfection, I think you could substitute the concept to which David and I are referring.

  14. Doc, our life skills teacher said today that one of her students was throwing a fit today, so she(the teacher) started doing the same thing. A minute later the student was looking at her saying "what are you doing, you are out of control". She said doing what you are doing. The kiddo sayed "really, is that how I look? Our teacher said yes, is that how you want people to see you? The kid said no, that's terrible. Mrs. Scott made her point. Reverse modeling.
